The Lung Cancer Research Foundation’s annual Evening of Innovation gala celebrated scientific discovery and the remarkable people who have contributed to the progress being made in the lung cancer space. The event raised more than $650,000 for lung cancer research that will continue lifesaving breakthroughs in diagnosis and treatment. 

This year’s gala, held at The Metropolitan Club in Manhattan on Sept. 24, honored Mark G. Kris, MD, thoracic oncologist and the William and Joy Ruane Chair in Thoracic Oncology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Kris was a vital member of LCRF’s Scientific Advisory Board for over 10 years and played an essential role in building its research program. His guidance to the founding members of LCRF shaped its strategic trajectory, and his leadership and direction empower LCRF to fund the brightest minds and make the biggest impact for patients.

From the speech given by Dr. David Hidalgo outlining the highlights of Dr. Kris’s extraordinary career; to the testimonials given by patient Tejal Patel and others whose lives he touched; to the special guest appearance of Debby Boone; to the applause of the room; and the sheer number of family, friends, colleagues, mentors and mentees in attendance; it was a truly meaningful evening.

Dr. Kris, in his acceptance speech, acknowledged everyone that helped shape his career as a clinician and a scientist, and shared his vision of the future of lung cancer research. He began and ended by encouraging everyone in the room to work toward a cure for lung cancer. “When you lay your head down on the pillow tonight, dream about a cure. Because if you can dream of it, a cure can happen.”

  • Watch a short video about Dr. Kris.
  • Read a testimonial from a patient.
  • Read the press release here
  • View the full photo gallery here.