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Previously Funded Research

2012 Free to Breathe Young Investigator Research Grant

lauren averett byers

Lauren Averett Byers, MD

MD Anderson Cancer Center

Research Project:

Blocking PARP to Improve Effectiveness of Chemotherapy for SCLC


Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is an aggressive form of lung cancer that hasn’t seen significant changes to standard-of-care treatments in more than 20 years. With low SCLC survival rates, there’s an urgent, unmet need for new treatment options. In her previous research, Dr. Byers discovered that blocking a protein called PARP can help improve the effectiveness of chemotherapy for SCLC. But she has also found that tumors can learn how to adapt to PARP-blocking drugs. With this grant, Dr. Byers will examine how this resistance develops, and she’ll test new treatments that may help to overcome resistance to PARP-blocking drugs.

lauren averett byers