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Previously Funded Research

2013 Free to Breathe Young Investigator Research Grant

Mohamed Abazeed

Mohamed Abazeed, MD, PhD

Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Research Project:

New Targeted Therapies for Squamous Cell Lung Cancer


For many people with lung cancer, adding innovative targeted therapies to standard treatments like chemotherapy and radiation can add precious years to life. However, for patients with advanced squamous cell lung cancer, the “targets” in targeted therapy have yet to be identified. Dr. Abazeed’s team and collaborators have discovered mutations in a gene called NFE2L2, which are linked to tumors being resistant to radiation and chemotherapy. These mutations are found in 1/3 of all squamous cell lung patients’ tumors. With this grant, Dr. Abazeed will work to create new treatments that target these gene mutations and overcome therapy resistance.

Mohamed Abazeed