If you were struggling with certain emotions before treatment, it is likely they will feel more intense around this time. Just as you balanced your emotions around the time of your diagnosis, treatment can cause new ones to emerge. Issues from treatment such as breathing problems, pain, fatigue, and nausea can make day-to-day living far more challenging. This is a time for your support network and community resources to help you manage your strength through treatment.
As your body recovers from surgery/radiation or processes your medication, you will likely experience new limitations. Daily tasks and responsibilities may need to be modified or put on hold. In many cases, it is a critical time to rely on others in your support network. Giving up control is not an easy process, but the benefits of accepting help can be significant in your healing. If you are uncomfortable asking those around you for help, consider contacting local resources. These organizations are staffed with volunteers committed to help you so you can be in control again.
During treatment you may find yourself more dependent on others than you wish. Accepting help for tasks you used to do for yourself can be humbling, but it is also part of self-care. The more others can help you, the more energy your body can save. This does not mean you will always need this level of help or that you are giving up your independence. Remember all those people who asked how they could help? This is your time to let them know exactly how they can
support you.

Asking for help
When asking for help, find your comfort zone. If you want to use humor when you call someone or would feel better asking via text, then do what works for you. Some conversation starters to help the process include:
“It was so nice of you to offer to help, there are a few ways that you can.”
“Thank you for offering. Please let me know if any of these opportunities work with your schedule.”
“You’re so good with my kids, would you be up to taking them for the afternoon?”
“I need to laugh, and you always make me laugh. Can you come over this afternoon?”

Please download our worksheet here to help you connect the right friend, family member or service with your needs.