- What type of lung cancer do I have?
- What stage is my cancer?
- Do we have all the necessary test results we need to determine my treatment plan?
- If my cancer has spread, where else is it in my body?
- Has my biopsy tissue been sent out for comprehensive biomarker testing?
- If the best treatment for me is not covered by my insurance, what resources are available to help with access/payment?
- Are there any clinical trials I should consider?
- Can I get a second opinion at an NCI‑designated cancer center and still be treated here locally by you?
- If I cannot afford a second opinion at an NCI-designated cancer center, is there someone local you could recommend?
- How often will I need to have follow‑up scans?
- What types of side effects should I expect with the treatment you are recommending?
- Who on my team should I contact for questions and concerns about side effects? Is someone available to me after hours or on weekends?
- Before I begin treatment, should I consider fertility preservation?
- Can I still work during treatment?
- Can I travel during treatment? What kind of travel accommodations will I need?