2008 UALC

Robert Glazer, PhD
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer of Georgetown University
Research Project:
Musashi1 as a Stem Cell Marker and Therapeutic Target for Bronchioalveolar Lung Cancer
Dr. Yuzhi Yin and Dr. Robert Glazer set out to explore a new way to attack the cells of a subtype of lung cancer known as bronchioloalveolar carcinoma (BAC), which occurs more frequently among non-smokers, women and Asians. BAC can only be treated by surgery or with chemotherapy. This study was designed to test whether these cells are dependent on a specific protein called Musashi1, which appears to be present only in tumor cells and not in normal lung tissue.
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Final Report
Dr. Yuzhi Yin and Dr. Robert Glazer have found an efficient way to block Musashi1 and attempted to examine the effect of this on cancer cell growth. However, further experiments proved technically challenging and require more resources to troubleshoot.