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Previously Funded Research

2015 Free to Breathe Accelerate Clinical Trials Research Grant

neal meropol

Neal Meropol, MD, FASCO

University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University

Research Project:

Trial Prospector


During the grant period, Trial Prospector will be enhanced and customized to match lung cancer patients with available clinical trials. Once the enhancements are completed, Trial Prospector will be tested in lung cancer clinics to help validate that its use can be incorporated into routine clinical practice. Once optimized, Trial Prospector will automatically review medical data and match clinical characteristics against a database of clinical trial eligibility criteria, all before the scheduled office visit. Having a list of potential studies readily available would allow physicians and patients to discuss clinical trial options during the patient’s office visit. By creating a point-of-care tool that is accurate, timesaving and appealing to oncologists, Dr. Meropol and his colleagues strive to double patient accrual to lung cancer clinical trials in thoracic oncology clinics at the Seidman Cancer Center of the Case Western Reserve University Comprehensive Cancer Center. The research results will be used to prepare Trial Prospector for widespread dissemination and incorporation into clinical practice for all cancer patients.

neal meropol