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Previously Funded Research

2015 Lung Cancer Research Foundation Annual Grant Program

Janey Peterson

Janey Peterson, PhD

Weill Cornell Medical College

Research Project:

Strides for life I: A trial of induction of positive affect to increase physical activity in early stage lung cancer survivors


Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients often present before surgery with impaired pulmonary function. Following lung resection, lung function is expected to lessen, leaving patients with impaired ability to exercise. In many chronic respiratory diseases, it is well established that exercise programs improve outcomes such as functional capacity and quality of life. However, in NSCLC, the benefits of exercise have not been established. The goal of Dr. Peterson’s study is to evaluate whether induction of positive affect—a feeling of happiness and well-being— results in improved functional capacity compared to an educational control group in early stage NSCLC survivors. In addition, this study will also utilize wearable technology to capture kilocalorie/week expenditure data. The team’s long-term goal is to develop an effective approach to motivate long-term maintenance of physical activity in lung cancer survivors for preventive and therapeutic purposes.

Janey Peterson